The Path - Moving Up & Moving On

Let's get this party started!  Let the show begin!  Let's get on with this! Let's do this! Let's go! 

You could say it a thousand different ways, it's all the same to me.  I'm ready to do this.  I'm ready to move. I'm ready to live a new life, a healed and healing life, in pure love and loving, surrounded by beauty and bliss.  

When this sounds possible, then you know you're ready.  If not, then more work and healing is needed.  But that's why we are here. 

We're here to help each other. We're here to offer a hand when the other falls.  We're here to take the other's hand when we fall.  But we always do our own work. We can't and don't and shouldn't do the other's work for them.  

We choose the path each day.  We do our work and we wait.  I want to rush it, but in reality I know that's not wise.  I want things to be where I see that they can be but I must be patient.  Temperance.

Anyway, this was the weekly ECETI show from this weekend in case you missed it.  I thought it was a very good conversation.  And as patient as I am, as open and forgiving as I strive to be, there is a particular reality at this point, people are either waking up or they aren't.  How long do you wait?  

And you can't spend your energy trying to convert others. Like the little birdhouse in the soul, by this time, they either get it or they don't.  Maybe there is a miracle waiting in the wings, or maybe we'll just have to fly without them.  Time will tell.  And we seem to be getting more of it, time, so please, let's use it wisely.

Enjoy the show!

ECETI Saturday Show


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