To the Nines

Dressed to the "nines."  Nine Inch Nails.  Nine times out of ten. Nine, that movie about a guy who has writer's block, which I am suffering from terribly right now.  Not to be confused "they" say with Nine, the computer animation film released on 09-09-09.  And if you are into numerology, today is a 9 day.  September (9), 18 (1+8=9), 9-9, (9+9=18), (1+8) = 9.

Nines in the tarot mean the winding down, the final stages of a thing that has run its course.  The nine of wands, in particular, represents determination, resilience, the final push.  It can mean that things have been really hard, trying, fatiguing even, but through will and motivation, one pushes through.  A purely rosy side of the card says it's a time of excitement for what's to come.  I pulled the nine of wands yesterday morning and it inspired me to pull this post together, and it slightly feels like pulling teeth.  I'm tired. I guess, I have been working hard.

I do think it's that time...the final push.  It's a lot of those times actually.  It's very near the end, the good end, of many things.  That's what I was thinking about so much yesterday.  And it may not be Armageddon, it may not be the end of the world, but if my cards are right, and my pendulum backs me up on that, if what they suggest is true, we are going to see some crazy shit kick off very soon.  I can't say what.  I don't know what for sure, but with the media reporting on a missing fighter plane and asking for anyone who has seen it to call and report finding it, well that is some crazy shit right there already.  That story doesn't make any sense at all.  


This is the link to this week's ECETI show.  James answers some viewers questions, interestingly, some questions that we were just asking Sunday morning before we listened to the show, like how on earth did anyone think it would be a good idea to cannibalize Jesus.  The whole communion thing, which I have partaken in many, many times, mind you, how did that ever come into being?  Well, I don't think Jesus ever really said "eat me".  Not like that anyway.  There is some other stuff in there too, like the videos of light beings in the sky over Lahina after the fires and a very thorough recap of the multidimensional war that's going on.  Give it a watch if you have time.   

And my son's wedding is coming up in 5 days, I have family coming in 3 days and I am wrapping up my new art website by tomorrow.  That's why my mind is all over the place and this whole post feels very disjointed.  But I persevere.  I keep moving forward, one "wand" at a time.  And I'm determined to be in the moment as all this happens.  I am intent on being content and at peace as I spend family time with those I love.  

I just have so many thoughts and ideas inside of me wanting to be sat with and pondered upon, and it's not about the crazy shit about to hit the fan.  It's the normal stuff.  Summer ending and the sadness that comes with that. The idea of harvest time and maybe I'm just off on when things are supposed to blossom, like my wildflowers, I have some more blooming now.  And the irony of my son getting married, as I am heading off in the opposite direction, although he doesn't know yet.  No one in the family knows that yet.  I trust that they do not read this blog. I hope.

I have decided to be happy about all of these endings, for they lead to new beginnings.  I will be happy that fall comes.  I will welcome it with sweaters and soup and candles and all kinds of cozy.  It is the final harvest, so much to be grateful for.  I will decorate with leaves and gourds and chrysanthemums.  And the Equinox, that perfectly balanced day 12-12.  Twelve hours of light.  Twelve hours of dark that ushers in the season of darkness and coolness paving the way for winter.  Although, I'm not going to think about that season yet.  Be still where I am.  Be happy where I am.  Be brave where I am.

From my Daily Discovery a couple of Days ago.  #1
Lucky for you it's a Sing-Along!

I am happy for free will and my son's prerogative to be in his family the way that he chooses.  I am happy to see my family again, even though my dream last night might have suggested otherwise.  I am happy to be moving forward in my own life with me.

I am happy to be getting a beautiful new website.  Tomorrow morning will be spent writing all of the descriptive content for my art pieces.  It's a chore, but someone has to do it, 9 of wands I tell you, because it sucks, but I'm almost done.  I'm almost there.  And it will be exciting.  It will be glorious.  And I will dress to the nines for the wedding and dance until the DJ's final song.  I will love and I will give thanks and I will reap the 

bountiful harvest that is all around me.  And in the dark of the evening, I will light a candle and go to a quiet place and rest and be grateful again, for all of the beauty that is my life.  And although this blog is an important part of my life, I probably won't be back here until next week.  I know you understand.  I know you get it.  You get me.  I hope.  Anyway, thank you.  Until then...


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