Can I Get a Handclap

 Geez Louise, this journey is not for the faint of heart.  Going through, releasing, old emotions, stored trauma from this life and who knows how many others, if you are being real and honestly doing the work, it can be, on THOSE days, exhausting!  I guess today was just one of those days. I cried a river of tears from some kind of dam that burst somewhere, but damned if I don't feel a lot better now. How did I do? Pretty good if I do say so myself. So I am going to give myself a pat on the back and for you my faithful, I give you applause. 

The above is a very good video that I stumbled upon in my YouTube feed, although it's presented in a creepy AI voice which weirds me out a little bit, but overall, the message is succinct and it helped me find a better headspace this evening.  It comforted me. 

May it bless you without weirding you out.  And remember, we are the universe. We're testing ourselves.  My higher self is kicking my ass, gently, telling me (yelling at me) it's time to level up girlfriend!  Simple really.  Man, I feel so empty, in a good way... the best way.

I just want to hug somebody ❤️

And just for fun... Here's a slightly creepy Fitz clapping for us!  Take all you can get. Pop rock on!


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