Getting Inspired

The artistic life is always seeking inspiration.  It always needs feeding, nurturing and well, it needs love.  Most importantly it needs self-love.  Not self-absorption, not selfishness but the love that keeps you healthy, whole and sane.  

Yesterday was a mixed bag of good things.  The bad good thing: Not sure what happened but my call to get my website wrapped up didn't happen.  The guy didn't show up.  Not good, but I still have written content to get finished up myself and I wasn't really ready for the call anyway.  I'm assuming it will all get ironed out soon.

The good good thing:  I got to take part in a zoom call with a really accomplished artist who started her art career late in life (at 50) but has become very successful over the past nine years, like six-figure successful and it really inspired me that maybe I really can make this thing work like I want it to.  I've been doing it for over 10 years, surely that has to count for something too.

Back to the self-love.  I have to work really hard to not succumb to imposter syndrome.  I have to play all confident and such.  I have to hope that people will like my work.  I have to hope that people will like me.  

I have to put myself out there.  I am grateful for the practice I have been getting with you, here and on my YouTube channel and through my FB page.  I've taken small steps, little risks and I don't feel so afraid anymore.  I don't feel like I have to eat the elephant in one bite, as they say.

I can keep taking baby steps, each and every day.  Doing just one or two new things to really keep me moving forward.  And I am confident that if I do that, I will succeed.  I will be successful, whatever that looks like for me.  

So, thank you for everything that you do to inspire me.  Thank you for showing up.  I couldn't have done it without you.

I forgot how much I love this movie.  It is so very inspiring to me.  Definitely makes me want to dance! I would be so very honored if people would be so inspired, so moved by my art, by me.


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