Remembering a Dream

I've been in my studio this afternoon, finishing up a piece and getting prepared for taking pictures tomorrow. I like to listen to things while I work.

This song showed up in, yes, in my YouTube feed. I haven't seen this movie in ages. The last movie I watched with John Cusak in it was Serendipity.  I actually got confused and thought I was going to be watching what I now remember is Say Anything, with the iconic scene of him holding the boombox up outside of her window.  But Serendipity was a cute movie too.  You know how I feel about signs and fate and beautiful things like that.

Well, as I was listening to this song again and listening to the words, I always listen carefully to the words, although I have been known to get a few words wrong sometimes, when I heard the words to this song again today, it reminded me of a dream I had over 20 years ago.

That is a long time, 20 years, but I still remember that dream.  He and I were standing in an old stone church, most of the walls had crumbled down around us. We were holding hands, like in a ceremony.  It was weird for me that He was in a church since he was an atheist, but it was ok. I could see remnants of the main wall which was still standing.  Within that wall was a beautiful stained glass window that remained unbroken.

We weren't there long and something happened and he turned into/or Charlie Pride showed up or something of that nature and he was gone. He was gone so I pretty much just left, or woke up. The End...then.

But that was my dream and I can still see it in my minds eye today. Just thought I'd share it with you.

And I was also listening to this video with Delores Cannon on manifesting.  I guess the jury is still out on that as far as I'm concerned, honestly.  I want to believe.  Apparently I am not that great at it.  At manifesting some things maybe, like a pair of socks or something, but at others, I need some practice I guess, if it really works.  Maybe it's just my belief, or lack thereof that is holding me up.  That's what they say.

Or maybe it's that "I set my goals too high" thingy that trips me up, especially if I desire something bigger than a pair of socks.  It's worth a try I suppose. I'm going to try.  I'm going to visualize what I want my life to look like, in detail.  I'm not going to leave anything out. I'm going to believe that the universe will see to it that it arrives safely in good and proper time for the highest and best good of all. I am going to do it again tomorrow. When I can get really centered and really focused. And I'll do it the next day and the next until it arrives.  

Even the idea of manifesting this life makes my heart feel warm and full and beautiful right now. I imagine that the actual life will feel even more amazing.  My heart space says so. 

I release my fears.  I release my blocks.  I receive the goodness and loving kindness that the universe has in wait for me.

I'll be meditating tonight too, asking for better dreams than last night, asking for the dream I need to ascend my soul.

Love flows to you... receive it too.  May we all become masters at manifesting.  May we all live the life of our dreams.


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