Who's Directing Your Movie?

 Life around here is busy, what with my website set-up, a quickly approaching wedding and just general catch up on every single thing that has gone to the wayside that I have to do, do, do, but this is the grail quest for authenticity and when life hands you something, i.e., when you hand yourself something, then heck yeah, I'm gonna take it!  That would be the wise thing to do anyway.  So here I am again today, posting another little but super fun tidbit from Sarah Says.  

And once again, for brevity's sake, I am not going to reflect upon this video right now.  That would take a while.  But I can be back to do that later.  Later.  Later.  Everything later.  It's ok.  It's my movie.

So, enjoy this delicious "not" word salad!  I hope it brightens your day after the depressing video about the "apocalypse of the world & the U.S."  That all makes me agitated, the freaking "world" scene.  But my higher self is helping me out.  I'm finding her.  She too floods my heart with warmth and joy.  She is truly beautiful.  I love, love, love getting to know all of her.  What a journey.  What a movie!  


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