Soul Growth

Steve's Love Tarot.  Dude's irreverent, rednecky and has 110K followers.  Chock full of energetic insight, he's blunt and brutal and I love to listen to him.  This guy picks up on the energy of "the collective," the planets and even Archangel Michael, Temperance.  He claims that any fuckwit can read the cards, but he gets all of the energy surrounding the soul mate cycle and he's helping all of us in it move along.  He's helping us navigate the crazy, overwhelming weirdness and magnetism and all that yada yada.  Long story short, dude is helping my soul grow.  I know.  Crazy.  But true.

What does it take for a soul to grow?  Well, it depends on the soul, right?  And it depends on if they decide to do the work.  And work it is.  Most of my weekends are spent burning incense and drinking pots of coffee and spending hours and hours of talking through these ideas of energies and what is happening to us and where we are going and connecting to those energies and getting their help and pulling cards to clarify and rehashing it all again and again and trying to understand our dreams and our experiences and on and on and on and on it goes.  It's 4 pm and how in the heck did we get here again?  We get up on Monday, get through the week and when Saturday comes, we put the coffee on and do it all again.  

And each week, each painstaking week after week after week after week of processing and doing and struggling and suffering and letting go, week after week after week after week, we grow.  Our souls grow.  And we return to gratitude because we KNOW that if we would have had to do all of this work in an instant, we would have absolutely imploded or exploded or something that would have sent us off into a death spiral or a fast track to heaven, but either way our bodies and cells and all the stuff within them would not have survived the trip.  We would have had to start all over again.  But universe knows.  WE know.  WE are wise and we know what we need.  We give ourselves exactly what we need.  Thankfully.

Temperance card (Archangel Michael) wanted to jump out in today's SLT reading, that and synchronicity.  It's strong now.  Case in point, the above video is a little something that showed up in my YouTube feed last night. I thought it was a good reminder of what we all need to do.  Self-mastery. Love others.  Every other.  And so, it goes.

I asked AA Michael to give me some good songs in my tidal daily discovery this morning, but I think he's being cheeky with me.  I'll give you my #1 here.

Cover Me in Sunshine...I have to admit that it's not my favorite Pink song, but the lyrics are good and meaningful, I think.  And to see her with her daughter is precious.  Her daughter, Willow Sage, reminds me of me as a little girl.  My mom always cut my hair short.  I was always getting mistaken for a little boy, well at least one time I did anyway and maybe that's why, or part of the reason anyway, why I have such a thing with hair.  Who knows.  In college I used to have nightmares of someone cutting off my hair while I slept. But I also did it to myself too back in the day.  I'll gift you with a little blast from a past...Freudian slip?  Maybe.  Anyway, here to make you smile, and laugh if you want.  It's ok.  It's on me.

Now regarding yearbooks and high school and all of that, #2 song on my list was a repeat of the J. Geils band...again.  Not going to put it in here.  Just trust me on that one.  Nor am I going to add the rest of my list except to say that my final for today was OMC, How Bizarre...again.  Things are repeating.  Things are showing up again and again.  Maybe it's what my soul needs.  Who knows.  

But I will give you a Pink song that I really do like.  And I will follow that up with another song that reappeared in my feed this morning.  The one that was super important to my soul growth last summer as I laid on the beach on my birthday watching a pair of beautiful sea bird's dance to this song over and over and over and over again.  So moving.  Moved me to tears.  It did.

And so it goes with soul growth.  So it goes with life.  We may not get everything that we want, but we absolutely get everything that we need.  Like a Rolling Stone.  Won't stop til it's over.  So it is.


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