Float On - A Cure for Writer's Block

Empty house.  Quiet rooms.  Noisy mind.  I've got that writer's block feeling again.  I have this looming deadline for my artwork descriptions.  Tomorrow.  3 pm.  It is pressing down upon me like a freaking world, like Atlas.  I shrug.  It will get done somehow.  That's part of the mystery.  How do I actually get this stuff done?  I don't know, but somehow, I do.  I will.  But I procrastinate the heck out of myself first.  So here I go.

I'm looking for some noise, something to fill the emptiness, the gap.  YouTube.  Everything doesn't interest me.  I keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.  For days it feels like.  It's just, JUST noise.  I guess what I'm really looking for is a little bit of inspiration.  Something.  Tidal just plain sucks.  That's all.  So, I go back to YouTube.  Scroll some more.  Drink coffee.  Scroll.  Eat some scrambled eggs.  Scroll.  Find a couple of things, MJ, who doesn't really inspire me that much anymore, maybe, I don't know.  Let the dogs out.  Let the dogs in.  Mud puppy.  In the crate.  Drink some coffee, browse some artists website for descriptions ideas.  How are you supposed to talk about this stuff?

Drink coffee.  Let the barking dogs out...again. Scroll.  Nothing.  Check my email.  Drink some coffee.  Scroll some more.  I. can't. listen. to. this. crap. Maybe I should just write some junk on my blog, just to get writing.  Ok.  But I want something to listen to.  YouTube.  9 minutes ago.  Steve's Love Tarot.  Saves the day!  Yay!  Alright everyone.  Here we go.  Deep diving into a VOID energy, that's what he starts off with.  Hmm...Is that my empty?  I don't know.  But when the final family left this morning, I switched my seat and moved over to the loveseat and just started crying.  Why?  Where the heck did that come from?  I'm not thinking about anything, I'm not worrying or wondering, I'm just crying.  Weird.

Bringing back an energy from about 20 years ago, he says.  Liberated.  Forward moving.  It's here.  To balance. That's what he's saying. Just reporting, but that's not what this post is about and I'm not posting that video here, you can find it if you want, but it's just so weird.

What do I want to talk about here?  I don't know.  I just want to talk.  I just want to get some words out.  I want to get my writer's brain turned on so I can write my little blurbs.  I thought that this might help.  To post or not to post?  No, that was yesterday's thing.  Today's it's just about loosening up.  Thanks for riding along.  I won't take up too much of your time.  Thanks for showing up.  Thanks for making it to this point.

Blah, blah. blah.  Wheels are turning. I'm entering the flow.  I'm entering the unknown. Time to be floating on. Whew.  Catch you again downstream.  Have a beautiful day.  Write something good!

My Only Selfie for Today - Hand Me Down Jeans


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