She Did it Again

Jonna Jinton.  I love her.  From the standpoint of her YouTube videos, her life is pure poetry. You may never know it from the YouTube videos that I have created, but I would really love to make videos like that, like Jonna's, someday too.

Now, I understand that this, a perfect looking life, is an illusion.  It's a bit of a movie, a YouTube and editing work of magic.  Nothing is pure anything.  It's a mix.  I'm sure of that.  Pretty sure anyway and she says as much within her vlogs which makes her even more appealing, authentic and real.  She makes us believe.

And to have a life that is founded upon beauty, and artistry and honesty, written amongst mystic woods and singing lakes, dwelling alongside a pristine and wild nature, surrounded by the ruggedness of the elements, endless days and endless nights...well it's highly poetic indeed. I'm in love.  

And I was so inspired as I sat at my laptop all afternoon pulling images together for my art website.  I listened to Jonna's latest video (and took a peek from time to time...the images are too beautiful not to) and I was moved by her humble beginnings as a jewelry maker, photographer and artist and with her mother, how they started selling art and jewelry out of a gallery in their home in the countryside, outside of the nearby village.  But people from the village new of her, through a blog that she had started earlier in her life.  And people from her village came and stood in line to see her gallery and buy her artistic goods.

I will be so lucky.  I am so lucky.  It has not always been so for me, but things are changing, and I know this time it's all going to be different.  Never mind that I have said that so many times before.  It felt different before.  I can't explain it except to say, I just know.  Things are changing.  Things are coming together.  The stars, perhaps, are aligning you might say.  

And I don't have to be Jonna Jinton.  She's beautiful, yes, but I don't want to be anyone other than who I am.  I want to be real.  Really, real. I don't want to be other than my authentic and highest most beautiful self that I can be.  Radiating. I am grateful.  I am happy.  I love the movie I am making. 


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