The Next Challenge

Do This Everyday To Transform For 2023! - 30-Day Challenge (YouTube - The Girls Center Video) 

I thought this was a corny clickbait challenge, but I'm feeling a little thick around the tummy, so I took the "bait" and started "the challenge" yesterday anyway.  It seemed pretty easy as I was doing it and I wasn't sure if I would share it on FB or not.  But I woke up this morning and my thighs were a bit sore, and I thought, "Hmm...maybe there's something here.  If this challenge helps me, it could help someone else too."

The routine is only 17 minutes and 17 seconds long. So, not too time consuming and it is pretty easy to do.  It's low impact, easy to follow and pretty slow paced if you follow along with the computer-generated girl that's leading.  Anyone can do it.  The best part is that it's got a funky chill soundtrack that is fun to listen to.  Dancing to the soundtrack during the "rest breaks" between exercises is fun too!

This is a 30-day challenge, so I "should" have started December 1st, right?  But I didn't.  To my defense, I didn't know about the challenge until I saw it on December 6, so I started then.  And besides, I'm not really the type of girl who normally takes the "normal" path anyway.  I am, however, the type of girl who wholeheartedly believes that it is never too late to start.  So, I started.

Day 2 - I'm enjoying this little routine and finding that this challenge is helping not only to strengthen my muscles, but it is helping my brain-body coordination and connection.  Yes, I have to concentrate to make sure left hand goes to right foot and back to center and switch...oops right hand to left foot...focus.  OK! Balance...another positive attribute that will be enhanced by continuing on this journey for the next 30 days.

As I work out and work through this challenge journey, I will keep FB friends posted.  Keeping you updated keeps me accountable!  I promise though, not to post videos of me doing the workout.  Trust me...I'm doing the work.  Trust do NOT want to see videos of me working out.  That's a different challenge for a different day!  That's a comedy the world may not be ready to behold!

By taking this crooked little path, I am on track to shoot right through to the end of 2022. I am on target to step into the newness and excitement of 2023 with a large part of one accomplishment already completed!  No, I am not a fitness guru and this time I am not making up my own challenge, but I am excited and feeling good about the journey.  I guess I am just a girl who loves a challenge.  Small wins feel very good to my brain.  Are you feeling up to a challenge?  I invite take this journey too. Farewell 2022! Travel along with me...into 2023! Amor Fati!

“Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you.
You must travel it by yourself.
It is not far. It is within reach.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not know.
Perhaps it is everywhere - ”
― Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass


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