Where has the time gone and how did we get here?

CAUTION:  Sarcasm warning!!! No people were actually harmed in the writing of this blog post. No real arrows were used in the construction of this wit. Any likeness to people who were customers or not is purely coincidental.

Winter is upon us once again and I wonder where the time has gone.  I undoubtedly felt that 2020 was a blur, mostly due to the world slowing down because of the evil Virus while Chris and I, determined to make lemons into lemonade put our energies into laying the path for our new business. We worked diligently and tirelessly to get it up and running and transform an abused cinderblock building into a beautiful and healing place for all of Greensboro. We succeeded!  We won!

But, unexpectedly, 2021 turned out to be blurry still.  Countless moments of precious time spent waiting for things to get back to normal.  Alas, the world did not know they needed us.  The world did not know they wanted us, then. Yet. We, however, knew that they did. We had a different opinion.  And worst of all...we had HOPE! 

We poured money into marketing, brochures, advertising. Posted religiously on Instagram, all to get some followers, some likes. Woo hoo, someone likes us! But where are they?  We changed our hours, we added hours. Why, we asked?  Why aren't they coming?  Are they afraid?  Are they STILL afraid?  How can that be?  And how can that be when our business actually holds the keys of protection from the tiny little evil microbe that they are so afraid of?  

2022 arrives.  Surely this is it.  Surely people are ready.  Surely the time has come.  Drip, drip, drip. They tell us that we are beautiful! They tell us that they will definitely be back! They tell us that they love us...and then they don't call.  It's a funny story.  It's the makings of a Hallmark movie. It's crap. So, like the jilted lover, we are calling it quits...the brick-and-mortar business is closing the end of the year. 

Goodbye Salt & Soul, GSO Salt Room. Goodbye 1819 Pembroke Road! The days I've spent staring out your plate glass door will be missed.  The connection to the world as the cars drove by, moment after beautiful moment...tick, tick, tick of the clock of each precious day. I will miss you.  I will miss the routine. I will miss the peace and serenity within your walls that we created.  

Sadly, the real joke is on all of GSO that didn't show up. Now you're calling.  Now you want a shot. You missed a gem.  You missed a prize.  You missed the boat. You lost the lottery! And to all the loyals who did come, again and again...I love you.  I thank you.  I appreciate every part of you, and I wish you health and wealth and wellness tenfold!!!

Life is ironic...isn't it ironic...don't you think? And truly, despite my sarcasm, despite my dismay, I really do feel fine.  I feel Universe stepping in to lend a kind and helping hand.  I feel freed from a bit of self-imposed slavery actually.  I feel new!  Everything for a reason, they say...I say...

I'm extremely excited at the next chapter that lies ahead. I know it is a novel that I have not read before.  It is a movie I have never seen.  But I heard it was good.  I heard it was the greatest story ever written.



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