Why Are We Here?

This is not the same question I posited in a previous post.  What I'm wondering is if you, dear reader, are curious as to why I am in Las Vegas, now.  Are you?

If not, I suppose you can just shut down this page and come back tomorrow when I might have some more bone rattling ponderings of our dear friend Van Helsing to  share with you.  I know you can't wait for that... but you're gonna have to.

Tonight, and it is nighttime again, and yes, I'm tired again, but trying to do this thing consistently, reliably and hopefully still somewhat creatively.  Tonight you get to get a peek at the real reason we are here.  I can sum it up in one word for you (I know, very unusual for me) but I will.

The reason we are here is... marriage.  My niece from the west coast got married and I got to go.

Not a surprise for Vegas, I suppose.  A lot of people do that pretty easily here, I understand.  I also understand that people can undo it pretty easily here too, but that's not what this post is about.  I digress again.  Not a surprise.

And like I said, it's late and I'm feeling drunk almost and I didn't even have anything to drink except 3 sips of champagne and 3 club sodas with lime.  But I did have some sugar.  I guess that's it.  Blame it on the macaroon.
And the music.  It was loud.  The DJ didn't ditch this reception.  That was a good thing.  I got to dance!  And I have a few pictures and maybe a video or two that I will share with you.  I hope you enjoy.  I hope you can feel the celebration.

Back up for a minute though and let me tell you about the ceremony.  It was the most unique, unorthodox, untraditional ceremony that I have ever been to.  I'm positive there have been weirder ceremonies though.  I mean, I have seen 28 Dresses.  Have you?

The ceremony was an outdoor venue in Vegas called The Grove.  It was a beautiful setting complete with a pond with a pair of ducks.  The groom's brother officiated.  There wasn't the least bit of religiousness to it at all, but there was a lot of storytelling and a fair amount of crying...by the groom.

The bride and the groom each wrote their own vows.  They played Rock Paper Scissors to see who would decide who would read their vows first.  The groom won and decided he would go first.  

It was very poetic, what he wrote, the theme being something that started with an s...dang if I can remember it though.  I think it was skin.  Like being under your/his skin.  I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing but it was a wedding vow so I assumed good.

I mainly remember that the bride promised to keep things weird and, well I don't really remember much else, maybe something about I know we weren't supposed to make any promises, but I'm a rebel so...I promise to grow with you. I hope somebody got it all on video.

I'm not sure either one of them or anyone said love, which was weird to me but what do I know?  I do think they might have said something about wisdom, no wait, that was a tarot video I watched today.  

I also know that someone said that they appreciate the other's authenticity and it feels to me like they both really do.  And fun.  They appreciate fun.  They want to have fun.

The whole wedding was themed around fun.  The ceremony was fun.  They had games to play outside, giant Jenga, ski ball and ax throwing (plastic axes thank you...mixes better with cocktails).

There were so many fun and lovely choices, good food and dancing.  Again, I am really honored and grateful to have been invited and to have been able to hitch a ride to Vegas.

So "Cheers" to Marissa and Shay (I think they took her last name... Maybe?). There was a lot of joking going on so I couldn't really tell.  But I had fun, their friends had fun, they had fun.  Celebrating.  Living and loving this life to a little more fullest.  Every day.  That is why we are here.

Weirdest song that the DJ played tonight that I didn't know but all the friends sang along to... loudly.

Dancing to one of my favorite songs which wasn't my song... oops.  PG-13 version please 😊

Great party! Good night. XO XO 


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