Happiness for Beginners

Reset.  Start small.  Remain in gratitude.  Not a bad formula for happiness if you ask me.  You can also add watch a cute movie, listen to some good music, and if the mood strikes you, get up and dance.  All that and eating high nutrient, clean, living foods, moving your body beyond the dance, connecting to our higher essence, now you have a recipe for downright fucking joy, if you will allow it.

(A sweet, feel good movie...)

Today I'm feeling pretty happy.  As I mentioned in the last post, I'm starting some new things (resetting), I'm working on them regularly but realistically a little bit each day (start small), and I can name a dozen and one things that I am supremely grateful for right here, right now. (Remain in gratitude.)  I'm doing the work, and it feels great!

And the results I get are the little synchronicities from the universe that lets me know that this is a wonderful, beautiful journey to be enjoyed and savored. (Like stumbling across and watching this movie last night.) It reminds me to get up and join my own life. It's like a game of hopscotch.  I loved hopscotch as a kid.  Throw the rock.  See where it lands and jump.  Jumping brought me so many smiles.  Jumping brought me so much joy.

And my life right now feels like this beautiful sacred dance.  Sometimes it is fast and fun, like my playful inner child's hopscotch match. Sometimes it's slow and easy, leaning in, leaning way in, like true love's first kiss.

(This is so fucking beautiful...)

And it's exciting.  All the possibilities, all the plausibilities, all the potentials, they are just within reach, and they smell so good.  They feel so real.  It's as if I can almost taste them, clean, alive and ready to jump back at me.  Ready to BE a part of my soul's journey, not just a dream of the ever plausible, pernicious fantasy called "What Could Be".  It's damned time to make it REAL.  So I Am.

I Am writing that story.  I Am creating that collage.  I Am living my life without fear.  I Am prospering.  I Am contributing.  I Am making a difference.  I Am living.  I Am loving.  I Am ALIVE.  I Am happiness, even if it's just the beginning.  It is my choice.  It is my journey.  I choose happiness, day after day, one small choice at a time, moment by moment, no rushing...savoring.  

It's beautiful.  It's angel energy.  It's the energy of the season and I am immersed in it.  It is inescapable.  It is here for the taking.  It is here for a reason.  It is here for real.  It's here to help.  It's here to heal.  I am grateful for it.  I am grateful for it all. It is a truly beautiful life.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And I'm so fortunate to be getting on the road again.  Feels like another fresh start.  I love to drive and ride.  Going to Greenville, then Vegas, then Northern California, giant trees...then back again, but taking a couple of weeks to do it.  I'll get to see Colorado for the first time in my life.  It's like "time off" from my goats and laundry and all that colloquial kind of stuff. 

And I'm traveling with family friends, so I'm hoping to get some good backseat time.  Quiet time.  Time to read and go inside and work on my dreams and plans for what I want to get building when I get back to North Carolina.  Things to compliment my art.  Ideas to inspire others.  Ways to win the lottery of life.  It's a new creation. I'm a new creation.  I'm doing it small.  I'm doing it a day at a time.  I'm doing it for real.  I'm doing it happy.  And if I can do it, anyone can do it.  You can do it too.  

(This is part of my dream...I want this in my backyard for "skywatching"...)

Drive.  Or Fly.  Come alive.  Shine.  You won't regret it.  Like any good rom-com movie, you get a happy ending...for real.  Fall down.  Get up.  Just get on the trail and get it.  One step at a time.  Get what you want to make you happy.  Be authentic.  Be you.  Begin.  Get happy!  It's all AOK!


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