The Gap

 There are all kinds of gaps.  Google it. Now I'm all fascinated with gaps. Synaptic gaps, college gaps, tooth gaps, stock gaps, of which there are Common Gaps, Breakaway Gaps, Runaway Gaps, and Exhaustion Gaps...for real.

We had the pleasure, well at least the creepy beautiful experience of stopping for gas in Wyoming at Muddy Gap.  Again, I posit that a video is worth 10,000 words, and there were AT LEAST that many everywhere at the Three Forks gas station.  And all these words, these marks, they all have energy, they all have meaning.  So many stories of so many lives, good and not so good and downright devastating.  But all of it is life...this life.  All of it is beautiful in its own unique way.  So, I think anyway.

And all of this pondering upon the gaps has got me thinking about what my future holds.  What does it look like?  What marks am I making?  What pictures am I painting? What stories am I writing?

And it has me thinking about those synaptic gaps.  You know, "neurons that fire together, wire together" and the other remnants of metaphoric epiphanies that I gleaned from my master's level neuroscience courses I took back in the day when I was searching for...something.  God knows I wasn't really trying to be a neuroscientist.  I still haven't even taken one class in chemistry, yet god also knows that this is another story that metaphorically stimulates me as well.  Chemistry, which in a sense is Alchemy. And the idea of synaptic gaps needing the chemical connections, the communication of the neurotransmitters to fire across these synapses to send messages and information and ideas...well, it's just downright sexy to me.  What can I say?

And the realization that I am moving into a different phase of my life very quickly, well this has me wondering about that gap as well.  It's a blank slate.  What am I going to make of it?  Although I am nervous, I have to admit, I am very excited as well.  Change is always, well, let me say, for ME, change is always hard.  Maybe I have just made it hard.  I get a chance to choose how I approach this change.  Mindset is everything you know.  All I have to do is decide that for gap is beautiful.  After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...they say.

And just in case you need a "song" is number 1 on my daily discovery today.  Number 2 will be on its way.  In the meantime...Enjoy the gap!


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