Rainy Days and Stories

 What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?  It's raining here today.  I really want to pick something favorite to do.  Will I read?  Will I write?  Will I watch a movie?  Will I puzzle?  Yes.

Goats don't like to get out in the rain.  They like to stay inside.  Truth be told, so do I, on rainy days. I like to sit and read.  I love to light a candle and burn some incense.  It's cozy.  I put on some music, naturally.  I like to read stories.  I like to think about my stories.  I like to write...not stories.  

I'm horrible at fiction.  I like to create real stories.  I like to decorate castles.  I like to imagine a picture worth 1000 words while I eat crackers and cheese.  

I like to live.  I like to feel alive.  I like to slow down.  Rain gives me permission to slow down.  I allow myself to sit and dream. To suck the marrow out of every moment (that is a gross analogy) to savor every essence, every drop of a rainy day, any day, that is my dream. That's better, I think. 

I like to smile and laugh.  I like to flow and merge and dance.  I like to get spontaneous tears of sweetness and knowing and revelation.  I want to glow. I want to light up a rainy day and make it miraculously brilliant. I want to write a simple storie.  I want to bring back the obsolete.  I have a penchant for making what's old new to me again. Notice all of the antiques surrounding me?

So, after all of that old story, new story, rainy day ray of sunshine talk, I bet you just can't wait for me to reveal to you my "cards" for the day. (This might be sarcasm...maybe) I promise I won't write about this by rote every day.  There's much more to pulling cards.  You have to feel them too...not just think about them. We'll see where it goes today.  I promise I won't write about tarot cards every day.  I promise. 

Card #1: Eight of Pentacles - The Eight of Pentacles is a card of apprenticeship and mastery. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are working hard to improve your skills and become a master at what you do.  You are diligent and hard-working, and you are applying yourself fully to whatever is at the center of your attention.  I call this my "Soul Work" card.  This is what I am here to do. To me, writing these blog posts every day is part of that work. Meditating, learning how to love others, learning how to care for our land and animals, this is my work too. Simple. Really simple. Not easy.

Card #2: Rebirth (Judgement in the traditional Tarot) - Following a call. New directions. Renewal. Transformation.  Following the Call.  The Judgement card symbolizes awakening, renewal, a well-lived life, better health, and a quickened mind.  It can mean that you have to face a challenge head-on and make the changes required to succeed.  You are ready to be judged and come out on the other side. If you’re uncertain about your future, you will soon get the answers you’re desperately seeking.

Here's the thing.  I had a very powerful meditation today after pulling these cards, before feeding the goats.  I went into my heart for answers.  It was as if it wasn't my choice.  It felt like I was pulled in.  I was forced to look.  I could only see and feel the truth.  There is only one question that haunts me day and night and my high self pulled me in and forced me to re-feel what I already know, what I have always known, what is true.  It still didn't tell me what to do.  It only showed me the truth.  I cannot escape it.  I wanted to run.  I keep running.  But it will always hunt me down and find me again.  Truth is like that.  It just is and always will be.  

But I am patient.  I am supposed to be patient.  I am supposed to wait. I wait for the renewal. I wait for the transformation.  My soul work is to follow the call.  My journey is to apply myself fully to anything that presents itself to me in this life work.  I am to keep improving.  I am to become a master of my own mind and my own will.  As I awaken, I am.  Diligent.

I'm ok with that.  With all of that.  And I will savor today accordingly.  I will do some yoga to extend my health.  I'll read a book, watch a movie and do some puzzling to extend my brain.  I'll meditate to extend my soul.  I'll keep working to become all that I am here to be.  I will shine.  And maybe I'll get wet.  Especially today. You never know what will happen with all that rain coming down. It is a beautiful storie.  I'll just keep writing. 

What is the rain?  God is in the rain. V for Vendetta. 


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