Rainbows and Unicorns... and Bigfoot

For the record, when I say weirdness and unicorn in the same sentence, or in separate sentences for that matter, I am not talking about the kinky threesome garbage you can read about on the internet.  I'm not into that stuff in case it mattered.  And my gosh do I have to be careful when I try to research things in cyberspace.  I'm going to get myself into trouble if I'm not careful.  And minus the kink, I definitely stand to be accused of the weird, but it's not really THAT weird, it's just my mind and my being exiting the matrix.  That's all.  But it still feels really weird.

So, what the heck, here we go anyway.  The problem is that it's SO damned hard to EXPLAIN.  Honestly, it has to be experienced.  It has to be felt.  I mean, I guess I could show you videos of me meditating or something. Like, maybe that would help, but it wouldn't be complete.  You wouldn't be able to feel the energy, you wouldn't be able to experience the essence by watching me.  Something has to happen.  Something has to awaken in you.  That's all I can say.  Then, we could really have a conversation about it.  Then we could really understand.  If I am being presumptuous, please forgive me.  If you have this experience, if you totally understand what I am talking about, then please, let's talk about it.

My friend Kurtis was the first I was able to talk with.  Thank god for Kurtis.  He helped me get through some very rough patches in this journey.  He was having a similar experience as me.  Like two girlfriends, we'd each talk incessantly about ourselves and our situation and our "Essences", our "twin" that we were each feeling.  We never even realized if the other one of us was listening or not, we just talked and talked and talked and talked.  That's all we could do.  Our hands were tied with everything else.

I feel like I need to draw a map here...hold on...we're going down the rabbit hole.

Chris had a kundalini awakening, which I think I mentioned in another post before, and that definitely helped with the whole understanding of some energetic things.  Fast forward.  We, Chris and I, went to ECETI in July.  We saw many things.  Many strange things.  We saw lightships. (Not so strange, actually).  We saw orbs and felt so many energies.  We heard strange vibrations in the Pleiadean Circle.  We had emotional reactions to the feelings we experienced.

Before we left the ranch in July, Chris was fortunate enough to have a TPRS session, in person with James.  In the session, they use table tipping as a means to bring in the energies of guides and off world beings who are looking to communicate with us.  You can find information about this, and maybe some videos on the ECETI website if you are interested.

The table tipping, I guess it's sort of like a seance, but very strict measures are taken to clear the space for any negative entities or influences that might like to hop in, thereby leaving a clear channel for the helpful, benevolent beings to be present.  In Chris' session, Mother Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Haog, a commander from the Orion Council of Light came forward to "meet" Chris.  

When the energies come in, you can feel them, I suppose, if you have the receptors.  Chris has receptors.  I have receptors.  Do you have receptors?  Once you feel these energies, you can recognize them, you can distinguish them from other energies.  Many of these beings are higher dimensional beings.  Haog is 6th density.  We can't see Haog, but we can feel him.  He uses me as a channel through the tarot cards to communicate with Chris.  Haog has a sense of humor.  I have felt it.  These are kind and benevolent beings here to help us move forward.

For many months, more than a year, I have been experiencing the "essence" of a being whom I believe to be a higher, perhaps 5th density "version" of whom I believe to be my twin flame.  I experience this energy when I meditate, and at times, this being even has a face.  It's him.  Sometimes the energy comes from one direction or another, at other times, the energy seems to be one with me.  Sometimes I see him as a mirror, like when my face moves, his moves in the same manner.  When I laugh, he laughs.  When I smile, he smiles.  When I make a squish face, so does he.  And he, this essence, always feels so warm and loving.  I am feeling him flood my heart space as I write this now.

As we headed out to ECETI again in August for the self-mastery workshop, I was so excited.  I was running on pure excitement, I think!  I just kept thinking about Jack Kerouac, and writers.  Fuck it.  I just kept thinking about you.  It was your essence that kept me awake all night and helped me make it through.  I don't have time sit around and wonder about all of this stuff.  And I am sorry if it isn't you, this essence.  But it is.  And you are.  I know it.  Anyway...

During the workshop we did many healing circles.  James did table tipping and invited in three "entities" each session.  Haog came in for the first session.  He gave me a big hug from behind, like a loving father.  Mother Mary came in during that session as well.  Her energy was received by me like a crown.  Literally, I could feel her energy all around my head, as if I was wearing a crown.  I saw a vision of what I thought was my grandmother flash into my mind.  I burst into tears.  Upon looking at the images of Mother Mary that have been taken of her appearing at the ranch, I am honestly wondering if it wasn't her that I saw in my mind's eye, not my grandmother, although they both have the beautiful, sad, deep-set eyes.

And the woo continues.  I have to go on.  I am NOTHING if I am not honest.  This is brutal honesty time.  It's imperative.  You couldn't stop it with a fucking freight train, so here we keep on going...

So much.  So much.  I can't write it all here.  I could make a video I guess, but I would really love to talk about it.  It is so nice to have people to talk with about this.  We need more friends. We have made so many contacts at ECETI that we can talk with about this.  It's easy conversation there.  It's normal.  But back here, not so much.  Chris and I have each other.  We have Kurtis.  For now, I have you.  To write to anyway.  If you are still here, if you are still reading, I commend you.  You are truly a brave soul.  If you want to get braver, the door is open, as a friend.  Let's talk.

So, continuing.  Fast forward to Sunday afternoon.  The final session of the weekend.  When the Pleiadeans come in you can feel a coolness, when the Lion beings from the Sirius star system come in, it heat's you up like a freaking rocket.  The final session, James is table tipping, calling in the energies who want to come in and he gets a brand-new being.  A being he has never met before.  Bleagia enters.  Bleagia is a 6th density panther being.  I feel her.  Her energy is so soft, it is so loving.  It wraps around me like a paw.  I can see her darkness, of her fur, and I can feel her as if she is purring.  Chris sits next to me. He feels her energy strongly in his heart chakra and as tingling in his fingers.  He sees her bright golden eyes, looking upon him. Very powerful.  Very interesting.

Now, for now, I have to take a break.  I am getting exhausted writing about this.  I can work on another blog post all day long, but this stuff is intense, and it wears me out.  Suffice it to say, yes, there is more to the story.  This really is just the intro to this saga.  But I promise, I will be back with the sequel in a day or two.  I will save my post on Angel, Owls and Orbs for a later date as well.  I do have some cool looking pictures to go with that post but I am waiting for a friend to email them to me.  Thousands of orbs surrounding Chris and I out in the Galactic Medicine Wheel.  

Seeing is believing my friend.  I so very, very, very much hope you can see, and feel.  I am sending you so much love and enough light to see you through your darkest day.  You are loved so very, very, very much.  That is the Truth.

Please enjoy the following videos...

ECETI Saturday night show from our workshop weekend:


Just for you!  and me...a special song, the very first song, from my Tidal daily discovery, from the very day we headed out to ECETI on this very special adventure!  Enjoy!



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