It Only Takes a Spark

 I saw an owl fly through our woods 3 times last night as I was feeding my goats.  This must be some kind of a sign or something, I thought.  

When I get really creative, I sometimes find myself waking up throughout the night with what I think are incredible thoughts and ideas.  It's 3:39 now so I am up writing because I can't sleep, and I just woke up thinking how much fun I have been having the past couple of weeks making videos and how one little comment on my YouTube channel could encourage me so much.  But sadly, most people remain mostly nameless and most probably faceless and definitely unknown unless some sort of synchronicity steps in.  Cue the wildfire, please.

There is a lot of weirdness in the world right now.  Speaking of wildfires, have you seen the one's in Canada?  Weird.  And what about the information that is just coming out about the NSF at the South Pole in Antarctica?  That's weird too.  Right?  

But kindness, that is never weird.  Well, maybe it is...but it's one of those good weird things then.  

Kindness can be the breath of fresh air for the dying.  Kindness can be the spark that gets the fire in someone's heart going.  It's what lit me up.  It's what set me be me.  Thank you!

To whoever left the brief, yet succinct comment on my YouTube site, I say "Thank YOU." Your comment meant the world to me and it changed my world...for the moment anyway.  We'll see how long I can sustain this.  

The last two weeks have been a frenzy of filming, doing, building, and hours of editing, cutting, splicing... looking at me.  Being forced to look at myself and all of my me-ness, warts and all.  It's given me tons of belly laughs at me and my ridiculousness.  It's helped me learn to love me...for me.  It has caused me to see a beauty there that is beyond me, that is the spark, that is the creator.  

And to the person who left the comment of kindness, that spark is you too.  I create for you too.  For the light in your eyes that sees me, for me.  Thank you for seeing me.  For your ears that wanted to voice.  Thank you. Thank you most of all.  After a lifetime of feeling mostly alone and just wanting to be heard, wanting to be known...I hope you are listening.  I hope you like what you are hearing. I hope you feel the appreciation.  I hope you feel the spark. I hope you feel the love. 

Although I cannot see you, KNOW, you are loved.  You are appreciated.  You are heard.  Thank you for lighting my spark.  Pass it on!


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