Headline: Barbie Meets Godzilla...Contemplates Consciousness

 Can we talk heart?  Wisdom? Consciousness? What gives us spiritual eyes?  What allows us to see?  What causes us to wake up?  Is it red? Is it pain?  Is it blue?  Is it enlightenment? Which came first, the light or the dark? the chicken or the egg?  What if it's both and it's a process and a paradox?  Consciousness, existence, death, reincarnation - The Cycle.  Is it a multi-millennial cycle?  We don't know...until we Know. 

Can we talk family?  Everybody's got one.  For better or worse, the good the bad and the ugly...they're yours.  So, what do you do with them when they're kind and caring and cooperative?  Love them.  What do you do with them when they're difficult, defiant and rude? Yep. Love them. Sometimes you enjoy them.  Sometimes you tolerate them. Sometimes the more the merrier.  Sometimes, a little distance is just what the doctor ordered.  

What do you do when they have headaches and heartaches and anxiety and stress?  Differences, similarities?  Can we learn from each other? Probably. Hopefully, but we can never do the work for another.  Sometimes it seems like they don't want to grow, don't want to heal.  That hurts.  That sucks.  Sometimes they think you are really weird because you do want to grow, but they have no idea that's what you're doing, and they just think you are on some really way out there crazy trip.  That doesn't hurt so bad.

But it hurts to see them in so much pain.  It hurts to see the beasty boy rear its ugly head inside the grown-up man.  It hurts to witness the broken little girl that's trapped inside a womanly body.  Stuck in the mire of suffering, anxiety, trauma.  Unseen, unhealed wounds, addiction, complexes.  The sadness.  So much sadness.  You can't make your little baby smile.  What do you do?  Love them. Love them.  Love them. But how?

You can't fix it.  You can't do it for them.  You must let them struggle.  You must allow them to fight.  You must give them an opportunity to win.  Sometimes you can plant a seed, if the soil is right.  Maybe you say something kindly if you are brave enough, then you step back.  Let the seed germinate.  Let the word sink in. Let them figure it out...or not.  It's their choice.  It's their soul.  It's their life.  Trust them.  Trust Life.  Breathe and wait.

And if they return, when they return, be there for them in total love, without blame, or shame, without judgement, without an ounce of "I told you so."  Like the father of the prodigal son.  Rejoice...and Love.  Be there with only love.

Be there yourself as a changed person.  Changed by the act of letting them go, letting them figure it out, letting them do what their soul needs to do.  Your bravery has helped them become brave.  Your trust in them has helped them trust themselves. Setting them free has freed you too.  Truly, we're all in this together. Trust yourself.  

And sometimes this great returning requires death.  Death of and to all sorts of things and people and ways of being. Sometimes we burn.  Sometimes we drown.  Sometimes we disappear. Blackness, void...dark nights of the soul. Sitting, sinking alone in the darkness.  Feel it.  Embrace it.  Experience it.  Breathe. Breathe.  Cry.  Breathe.  Then awaken o soul to the smallest sliver of the Sun.  Slowly or as quickly as you need.  Listen to your inner knowing.  Silent for too long.  Remember. 

Adding to My "Summer Reading List"
Suggested by a Sweet Child of Mine 

When we discover, when we remember, when we realize that we are not alone, we become aware.  We become wise.  We know that we are seen.  We know that we can swim.  We understand that we are rising from the ashes, like a Phoenix, we innerstand and know that we are not alone. We begin to Awaken. We know that we are Conscious.  We know that we are Loved.

WE SEE: "Consciousness as inseparable from energy.  This then is not a view or an opinion, but an experience."

So, until that Great Awakening when everyone knows the truth, when everyone knows that they are loved...that they ARE Love..., play Barbies, watch Godzilla movies, sit and drink copious amounts of coffee and contemplate what is consciousness.  Ask forgiveness, offer forgiveness and cook bacon and pancakes. Have a cookout. Make friendship bracelets.  Paint a steppingstone. This is love in action.  So it is!


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