Weather Or Not?

Is it possible that Ernesto, Helene and Milton, these anthropomorphized weather occurrences that overtake our media coverage whenever they arrive, are just naturally occuring storms? Are these headline grabbing, catastrophic events really, SOLELY, an act of mother nature?  

I know that hurricanes happen, but is it plausible that the naturally occuring weather phenomenon, Hurricane Milton, could have been escalated or deescalated?  Could this storm have been modified in some way?  Could it have been manipulated?  Some think the answer to these questions is, "Yes."

Interestingly enough, when I "pulled cards" on this situation, I got a similar answer.  The short answer...there is some weather warfare at play.  The next question I'll ask is, "Why?"

In my opinion, we have just gone through a collective hypnosis, mesmerized and glued to our screens as we watched the storm approach Tampa Bay.  Three days we wondered, we worried for our families, we waited for disaster to strike again.  Some began to panic.  Others began to pray.


I, for one, followed my favorite YouTube weather guy, Ryan Hall until his voice gave out.  After three ten-hour days of reporting on the progression of Milton, Ryan was able to follow the storm and report as the eye turned and moved south of Tampa, broke up a bit, and made landfall around 8:30 pm on the less populated area of Siesta Key.

When Ryan was no longer able to report on the path of Milton as it traveled across the state, I switched to my number two YouTube weather guy Max Velocity.  My plan was to keep tabs on the storm as it traveled through the Orlando area where my nephew and his wife live, but when Max's channel went down, sometime around midnight, I decided all I could really do was to say a prayer and go to sleep too.

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that the storm was making it's way out to the Atlantic and I noticed that many people were certain that a miracle had occurred.  Mass devastation had been escaped and people had made it through the storm largely unscathed.  

Some people were pissed, saying that the danger of the storm had been over hyped... again, but many, most, were grateful.  And Christian revivalists and New Age mystics alike were touting the power of prayer over this powerful, hypnotic event.

And I was grateful that all of my family that was scattered throughout Florida were safe and unharmed and it seems that most of their property fared pretty well too.  

So what about this weather warfare theory?  Apparently there are patents on cloud seeding technology that has been around since the 1950's.  Apparently this technology does exist.  When do we get to know if, where and why it is being used?  

Really, we're just supposed to think that all of our weather is just, well, just weather, I guess.  Crazy weather, no doubt because of global warming, wait, no, because of climate change, right?  That's the bad guy.  We're the baddies, humanity, for driving cars and breathing and stuff, right?

Look, I LOVE this planet and nature is my church.  I recycle. I pick up trash. I am happy and willing to use less, live more simply and be ok with it.  It absolutely breaks my heart to see the images of the destruction to the topography and the trails of North Carolina where Helene hit and I do believe there is more to that story than a freak 100 year storm.  

There are plenty of videos you can find for yourself on YouTube if you want to go further down the rabbit hole, if you haven't watched them already.  There are lots of channels you can follow on social media and there are lots of theories you can explore.  

But here's my real hope, here's my real prayer; I pray that this really is the "final battle" (9 of Wands), as crazy or apocalyptic as that may seem.  After all, apocalypse, according to the Greeks, just means the "lifting of the veil". 

I hope the curtain gets pulled back.  (Show me what's under that skirt for flip's sake.  Take your red pill.  Put on your ruby red shoes.)  I hope that we will all know the real truth someday...soon. 

We'll all realize that we're not in Kansas anymore.  We'll understand that there is so much more to life than we've been told. I really do hope there's a new consciousness unfolding upon humanity.

I hope that ALL wars will be ending.  I hope that I am ascending.  I hope that you are too.  

I, for one, am ready for my new Home, weather or not.  I, for one believe the Earth is too.


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