
Is this just another controlled narrative?  I have not "done my own research".  Honestly, I'm not even sure I know how.  But I see things and I hear things, and I feel things and I observe things.  Here is what I am left wondering, again...what's really going on here?  Who is really running this show?

I am not going to spend a whole lot of time philosophizing about it today.  I've got things I have to do.  I have personal benchmarks that I still want to achieve, despite the disaster that has occurred in my backyard.  I have my own important projects to bring into being.  Nothing has changed, although everything has changed.

It is so easy to become hypnotized by the stories and the images of total devastation that have been coming out on YouTube since the event on Friday.  Now the mainstream news is finally beginning to cover things and the stories seem...well, strange.  It doesn't feel right.  Things don't seem to be adding up.

Or do they?  Maybe I need to use a different kind of math.  Maybe it really does take this long to rescue people.  Maybe there really is a need for people taking rescue missions into their own hands to be arrested.  Maybe.  But I woke up thinking of the Hunger Games the other day.  To my understanding, it was actually filmed in this part of North Carolina.  I woke up thinking of that movie again this morning.  This beautiful Blue Ridge paradise, this serene and inspiring and gorgeous part of our country has officially been turned into District 12.  

People are apparently trapped, and as the good General said, this mission is going to take a long time.  Something stinks.  Oh yes, maybe it's the rotting bodies that have yet to be recovered.  Only 1000 people reported missing.  I guess that's not too bad.  The BBC is reporting an estimated 600 people to end up being dead.  Well, it could have been much worse.  This is sarcasm, mind you.  Not my normal brand of optimism that I push.  Although, in the end, every soul has its own time to go, its own contract to abide by.  This I do believe.  So...

And how many displaced people are there, who are not being encouraged to be evacuated?  Maybe it is best for them to stay within the communities and band together and help their neighbors.  I remember evacuees of hurricane Katrina being relocated to Plano when we lived there.  Was that a better solution?  I know that we have hundreds if not thousands of apartments that have just recently been built here in Greensboro and the surrounding communities, even in rural areas.  I was just wondering as I drove by them last weekend, "who the heck are all of these apartments being built for?"  I don't have a real answer.

I often feel like I don't have any real answers, just the best that I can come up with using my own heart and mind and the resources that are provided for me.  I do what I can to figure out what I must.  But as I said earlier, I've got stuff to do so I'm done with my questions for now.  Maybe someday we ALL will really know the Truth.  


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