
I have a bucket list.  Life has been offering me opportunities to check things off of that list lately.  Late last week I was so excited to be able to put a checkmark by "see the Northern Lights".  What a beautiful sight!  Spectacular!

I'm hopeful that my upcoming trip to Sedona will provide a few more checks to mark.  In the meantime today is a rainy day, cloudy, long drive back to North Carolina from our family visit in Michigan.  Thank you Michigan for family and friends.  Thank you atmosphere for the Aurora Borealis.  

Driving, hours of driving, means time to catch up on some content.  I will share a couple of things I've listened to.  I hope you will be able to listen to them too.  (Sorry about all the promotions in the last video if you, per chance, listened to that one.  I don't particularly like these shout outs or endorse anyone, but I can't control this... sorry 😐.) 

Here's the tattooed dude again.  I've got a lot of the same feelings.  Starseeds.   It's a gift.  It's a game.

And here's another program (LINK BELOW) from James G @ECETI, broadcast Saturday night from his farm in Hawaii.

"Dawn is coming, open your eyes" - just found myself singing this, again, from the Walter Mitty song I posted the other day.  Did you get a chance to hear it?  I hope so.  Space time continuum.

Do I sound like Chicken Little?  I feel like it.  I feel like I am talking in circles.  I feel like I am just about done talking, and then there she goes again.  La, la la.  Blah, blah, blah.  Ugh!

Well I guess we'll see, if what I keep trying to tell everyone makes any sense or not.  It doesn't matter to me anymore.  And although it can feel lonely at times, I know that I am not alone. 

So here's another song for you, because that's the other thing I feel the need to do, you know.  Leaping to music right now may not seem logical, it might not make any sense, but this song was first on my "discovery list" today. Stronger.  

Maybe it means nothing, but maybe it means something to someone, somewhere, so I'm going to share, in the event that it does, mean something.  Here it is.

I'm staying strong.  I'm going to keep looking up.  I might not see the sky falling, but if nature blesses me with the right conditions in our atmosphere, I might get to see some more auroras.  Maybe, hopefully, you will too.  

I know you are wise.  I know you are strong.  I hope you are looking up too.  Not to see the sky falling but to see beauty unfolding.  Above you, within you, around you...I hope you can see the Spectacular!  Solar storms.  Sunshine coming in.


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