Super Hunter's Moon

This is some information for you on the upcoming Full Moon on October 17th.  It happens to coincide with some SUPER intense energetic shifts and cosmic alignments.  Here is what Sarah Hall has to say about it:

"Overall, this part of a massive karmic purge that is both occurring at the individual and on the collective world stage.

You may be feeling stressed, overwhelmed, emotionally sensitive, easily triggered, or as if you're under a great deal of pressure.  If so...know that this is totally normal, you are NOT alone, and this will pass.

The Angels want you to know that anything you're holding at your deepest foundations that does NOT serve your soul's highest good is being PUSHED up to the surface of your psyche and emotional body for purging and purification.

This is all in answer to your prayers and will help you to align with your goals and the highest path of peace.  So, hold onto your hope, call in your Angels for extra support and release the old!  There is real good coming your way...

This lunar cycle is setting the stage for very deep reflection, self-discovery and spiritual awakening over the next several weeks.  (The energy will be peaking around All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day - Oct. 31, Nov. 1, Nov. 2).

This is the perfect time for spiritual retreat, spiritual practice and transformative inner healing work, as this will help you to take important steps to prepare the way for 2025 (which is going to be a BIG year for new beginnings).

And for another take on this cosmic event, here is MJ, with what the Universe had to share her:

"This VERY Spiritual SUPERMOON in Aries invites us to envision a better future for ourselves, ditch the fear and shadow and come into healing for the coming of the Age of AQUARIUS."

I hope you get a chance to watch these videos.  I know that I have felt a lot of transformative energies working their way through me very recently.  I am excited and grateful for the upcoming retreat opportunity that I will be having in Sedona.  I am looking forward to resting while serving others.  I am looking forward to meditations with like-minded souls and the transformations that will occur within each of these souls.  I am hopeful and awaiting the transformation that will occur within me. 

I've also included a Supermoon Energy Activation video for your viewing and participation pleasure.  Personally, I found the meditation to be quite powerful.  I feel supercharged by the energy activation.  Through this activation I gained some much-needed clarity on ideas and inspirations and plans to move forward in my personal and spiritual journey.  

As things unfold, I will keep you updated and informed as I am able.  For now, I will be retiring the blog for the next few weeks or so, perhaps a month or two, perhaps through the end of the year.  It all depends on how things go.  I can flow with Life, but I don't control it.  I do absolutely, however, need to engage in it.  I need to live it, wherever it takes me.  That might be places without internet access.  That might be places within where I just need to be still and hear my own voice.

During this activation, I saw what I need to do, and now I need to get out and do it.  It's a beautiful picture.  It's a wonderful possibility.  It's a beautiful dream.  Time to make it come alive.  Time to make it real.

I wish all of you the same opportunity to come into the power and alignment of your greatest potential, your highest timeline.  I am sending you so much love.  I hold in my heart for you, a deep, deep knowing that all is possible.  I hold in my soul for you a deep, deep realization that all is well.

You have all the tools that you need to choose the path that brings you a life of spiritual liberation and ascension.  Use these tools wisely.  Share them with others.  Find your place in this spiritual revolution.  You came into this world for nothing less.


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