Let's Hope

The following is an interview I would like to share with you. As the title states, "The war to end all wars is almost over."

I, for one, really hope this is true.  I think the war that ends all wars will usher in a beautiful new world.  I believe that extraordinary technologies are out there.  I believe that benevolent other worldly beings exist. I believe they are helping us end this war. I believe they are helping us ascend.

I have so much hope and and I long for this new earth, but I have no idea what it is going to look like getting there. I have an inkling that it could look really bad.

I wonder if the border situation is going to play a role in ending things.  I'm sensing something, but I have fallen "prey" to my sensing things that don't turn out how I expect them to, so I am open to being wrong.

Please listen to this interview with an open mind and an open heart.  Depending on when you find this post, we may already know how this has all played out, we may be in the thick of it, or we may, as I have been for many years now, "still waiting for something to happen." 

It can be hard to continually have faith. It can be hard to hope. But when you do hard things, you get stronger, right? And when you wait and watch and observe and listen, you can gain patience, you can grow wiser and you can count it all a blessing, to be granted more time to find out who you truly are.

Please listen. Please listen to your heart.



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