Good Life - All This Time

Yes.  It's a good life and everything is right on time.  It is beautiful for those who have eyes to see.  We're waking up.  What a lovely story to tell.  All this time.

It's funny how this "good life" happens though.  It may not all look so pretty.  It may not all look so together.  It may not all look so great.  It may be full of horrible grammar, but, it IS...Good.  Just trust me on this one if you haven't figured it out for yourself.  I'm here to help you on your way, if you want it.  I'm here to be a light in the dark.  I'm here to be a beacon for those who are trying to find their way.  Like the sun!

It's a great life.  And, yes, I am just waking up myself, for what was made for me.  I'm just waking up to my true gifts, my undiscovered talents.  Not to be grandiose or anything.  Sometimes it just is what it is.  I'm nothing special.  YOU have all these undiscovered gifts, talents...YOU have much more for you.  Trust me on this one too.  

Or if you want to put it another way, you are special too, but then again, you're not.  We ARE, but we're not.  Get it?  We just are who we are, authentically, unapologetically, with all our quirks and flaws. We just have to rediscover who we are.  We just have to remember where we are.  Just BE you!  That's it.  That's the good it.

And how did I get these ideas for this blog post today, you might be asking?  What the heck is she talking about?  Where the hell is she coming from?  Or maybe you're just saying, is she certifiable?  You get to decide. ;)

My answer to the first question is that I got here via the usual inspirational rabbit holes, some card pulls, some meditation and waking up singing a song in my soul.  Last night, before going to sleep, my request was for a new song when I woke up to inspire my blog post today.  The song I was singing, without even realizing it, was Good Life by One Republic.  I have posted a link to that video on my blog before, but I wanted to find the song and listen to it again, and by golly, when I looked it up a little bit later, I found the whole freaking album...Waking Up...indeed!

I know it's not a new album, but everything comes around again.  Life is like that.  That's the Wheel of Fortune you know.  And speaking of those cards, I asked for a little guidance for this blog post last night too.  What FLEW out of the deck while I was shuffling was the 3 of Swords with the Queen of Cups on the bottom of the deck. Hmm... 

These cards are not magic.  There is a lot of psychological, archetypal, Jungian-type wisdom embedded in this method of seeking guidance.  It is a living Wisdom.  There is an energy of the Universe that is connected with the cards, and I can really sense some higher power communicating with me when I ask for help.  I get what I need.  Gratefully.

So, what does the 3 of Swords mean?  Well, in order to NOT bias my answer, I'm going to take it straight out of the book for you.  I think this is the purest, most honest way to share the message.  I do like pure and honest.  

3 of Swords- 

LIGHT SEER: painful separation, loss, heartbreak, an opportunity to heal, shadows coming to light, finding inspiration again

SHADOW SEER: not accepting loss, a need to heal, being stuck in your grief or sadness, not seeing the part you played in a loss or heartbreak

Heartbroken, she falls to her knees and screams to the Universe for a second chance.  Separation can come in many forms.  From the loss of a relationship or identity, to the disintegration of belief, purpose, or goals - separation from what we thought we had can mark painful moments in our lives.  If you find yourself amidst wavering realities and losing something that feels near and dear to your heart, know that this too shall pass.  This severing, although painful, is a necessary part of the process.  Despite all proof to the contrary, your brightly lit future will arrive because of this experience. Tie yourself to your light and prepare to spend some time nurturing your tender spirit.  These shadowy times are always opportunities to become stronger and more resilient, so give yourself time to heal.  And know that you will love, thrive, and find inspiration again soon.

MANTRA: My heart remains tender and open.

And so goes the 3 of Swords.  My feeling is that the queen of cups on the bottom of the deck was simply a guidepost as to the delivery of the message of the 3 of Swords.  According to my buddy Steve, the queen of cups represents the most love in the deck.  The mantra out of this Light Seer deck that I used is as follows: My intuitive heart openly expresses deep love.

So here I am today.  I am back to the blog for a moment.  It's been a great week of work.  I can happily report that I have completed all of the videos for my new course that I hope to release before the end of the year.  And even amidst my marathon sessions of creating and editing, I was able to break away for my monthly Inner Magic Art Club zoom call, a glorious decision!  I always feel better after 2 hours of artmaking with lovely like hearted energies.  

I also followed the guidance of my "cards" and got out of the house for a little art show opening where I met some new people and accidentally got high on sparkling water.  I'm not drinking alcohol anymore, you know, so I opted for the sparkling H2O, enhanced with THC...who knew!  THAT was a fun drive home!  OOPS!

The next morning, I went to a class at a new yoga place not too far from where I live.  I needed the yoga, for centering and I needed the stretching for, well, stretching since I pulled a muscle in my back and my glutes the night before while singing on my way to the art show opening.  Trying to unblock your chakras while driving can be dangerous.  That's a whole other blog post, but for now, just make a note of that to yourself...if you like.

I'm also happy to say that I finally got my crazy hair under control.  It's probably been a year since I've had a haircut.  Time really goes by fast, especially when you are out having great adventures and such.  My wild hair probably just added to my mountain woman image, au natural, that I was channeling as I ventured through my August journey.  

I'm happy for what it was, but I am happy to have a new fresh feeling.  I'm going to be hitting the road again in October.  Back to Michigan, and Illinois, of course, but I am also heading to Sedona for a retreat the end of the month.  I've been to Sedona on a day trip several years ago, but I'm really looking forward to spending an extended amount of time in the energies of that desert. I will definitely report back on how it all goes.

And there was one more thing on my heart this morning that I wanted to share in this post today.  The Seat of the Soul.  It's a book by Gary Zukov.  It's even older than the One Republic album, but again, I think it might be valuable for someone here.  I read it for the first time over thirty years ago, but I think it could be helpful now, for those who are new to a spiritual but not religious path, as I was when I first read it.  

"Filled with wisdom, and written in a beautifully simple, almost poetic style..." (Brian Weiss, M.D.).  "A readable, thought-provoking work on how our perceptions must change dramatically if we are to survive." (Library Journal)

To be clear, I have not re-read this book for probably 20 years, except to flip through and see what food for thought it delivered for that day.  I don't really remember what the book said, but I remember how it made me feel.  I remember that it resonated.  I remember it felt like truth to my soul.  I remember it made me feel great love.

One thing I do remember is the idea of our planet and this lifetime being an "Earth School".  It reminded me of the line from the Matrix when Morpheus says, "What happened, happened and could not have happened any other way."  Which reminded me of, "We're still here."

All this time.  We're still here.  It couldn't have happened any other way.  It's a good life.  


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