Sweetness & The Rock - A Love Story

Once upon a time there was a planet.  She was covered in life.  One temperate summer day, a wandering soul came upon an empty ocean shoreline alive with the passion and power of this heavenly body.  The soul sat, searching for a way to awaken its essence.  The sea roared.  The waves crashed.  The essence came to life and emanated into the sand and the sea, the waves, and all the atmosphere, until the soul and the planet were one.  This is a remembrance of the wisdom of the oceans. This is a peak experience. This is love.  

The End...is really just the beginning.

I had such a beautiful time at Ocracoke Island on my little solo getaway.  It was sweet.  Despite the challenges that popped up with a Thursday night thunderstorm, I had a super time and felt so much stronger for overcoming the obstacles that came my way.   Even as I drove home on Friday evening, I was faced with heavy rains and thunderstorms which made for a tough trip back to Greensboro.  But I made it, thankfully, and making it back safely made me evermore grateful for a sturdy house and a dry bed.  

To keep me awake and pass the time on the 6+ hour drive home, I listened to lots of music and a little YouTube content, one video which sparked my interest I will share with you here.  Resonance and consciousness, resistance, sweetness, earth as a superconsciousness, relationships, microcosms of the macrocosms, angry oceans, mother earth wielding her power, connections made, connections missed, peace, love, past and future, and... the rock.  This is a little bit of what I was contemplating on that drive home.  But then again, where is home, really?  I thought about that too.

I'll be taking off on the next leg of my adventure late this week or early next, depending on how my jury duty call up goes.  I'm excited to be getting my route mapped out and even more excited to have ordered a new tent which should be much more waterproof.  I have also equipped myself with plastic storage bins in the event that water does get in the tent.  No frantic rushing moving crap to the car in the middle of the night jobs will be necessary.  

And after Saturday, and taking ALL of my wet things out of the car and laying them out across the entire front yard to dry, and opening the hatch and all of the doors and bravely opening the sunroof to let the sun shine in, I check out that sunroof and cleaned her with loving care and inspected and opened and closed her and opened and closed her and finally, I believe, I found the culprit to my leakage...a 10mm x 2 in, kind of teeny tiny InMyOP, stick.  I took it out.  I took a picture, of course.  And I opened and closed and opened and closed and opened and closed my sunroof and it seems to be working fine.

And today we were gifted with an opportunity to see if the leaking was stopped.  Today we had heavy rains.  It was enough to get me to put on my rain boots and raincoat too, although, I think I might be suffering from a little bit of campsite downpour PTSD.  Overkill?  Boy Scout motto, "Be Prepared" just took on a whole new meaning for me this weekend.  Anyway, I am happy to say, that I have checked the car and there appears to be no leakage.  This is SUPER GREAT news!!!!  I'm so ready to get back on the road!

But while I am here, I'm taking advantage of time and I'm repacking all my stuff into plastic bins, I'm getting the odds and ends of essential camping supplies for a month-long trip, I'm mapping out my route and making reservations at my campsites along the way, and I'm chilling and relaxing at home and enjoying the fresh pears and figs that are ripening on our trees.  

Watched a movie tonight on Netflix, Find Me Falling, a cute, quirky, poignant rom-com that really had me thinking about some of my own adventures and misunderstandings, mistakes and missed opportunities, choices made, and lives lived while we are all just swimming in our collective karma and doing the best we can with what we have and have been given. We're all just trying to find our ten of cups.

 And you know me.  I always love a good love story.  A good love story never gets old.  A good love story never dies.  A good love story gives you courage.  A good love story makes you brave.  A good love story makes you look like a fool.  A good love story makes life worth loving.  A good love story makes life worth living...deeply.

I believe there are true life love stories being written right now.  The beautiful planet, shifting, ascending, recalibrating, benefits from each and every one of these stories and the connections and the energies that the love pouring off of these relationships manifest.  As we love, Mother Gaia expands.   As we make sparks, she gets lit up.  Heart chakra activating.


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