Shh...It's Getting Real

So, what the heck is really going on?  Anything to see here?  Anything that will get people looking at things with a little bit of critical thinking?  Anything?  What do you want to see?  There's the rub.

I imagine that July 13, 2024, could be another one of those historic days etched into the collective human psyche much like September 11, 2001.  Emotions are fickle and quick to rise under such circumstances.  Humans are humans and trauma programming is a thing after all.  How can we protect ourselves?  Can we ever become immune?

Ever seen Jason Bourne?  Ever hear of MK Ultra?  Seen the Manchurian Candidate?  What if even a fraction of that stuff is real?  What does that mean for people who just want to live their lives here on earth in peace?  What about those who just want to make art and kayak and climb mountains? Do we really have any say in what happens in our political system going forward?  And where is forward?  Where in the world are we really heading here?  Things are getting very weird.  

I also happen to feel that things are getting very real.  My underlying thought?  It's about damn time.  That, and what if I told you I knew that something like this was going to happen?  Sadness, loss, grief, despair; the wars, the economy, the shooting of an American icon, this is 5 of Cups energy and I think more 5 of Cups energy is coming.  That's what my cards keep suggesting anyway.  If I am even partially correct, things could start looking even more dismal, very soon.  By November...well, it could be a real shitshow for sure.  

But we only ever get part of the story and besides, that's not why I'm here.  And I'm not here to tell you what to think or who to believe.  I'm not here to start a socio psycho political debate.  I'm here to strongly suggest that you don't let all the drama going down on the world stage put you in a state of fear.  I'm here to ask that you don't let it pit you against your neighbor.  I'm here to encourage you to be brave.  

I'm here to remind you to live in love.  Don't get distracted.  Don't let this, or any, upcoming dramatic, tragic, crazy, population-dividing posturing stop you from getting out there and going after the dreams you want to make a reality.  Keep moving forward.  Keep the fires burning.  Keep the dreams alive.

So yes, maybe it IS time for $#it to get real, and maybe that's why I just really want to talk about my new camping toilet.  I just want to go to the beach, immerse myself in the sun and the surf and meditate for love for all and everyone's dreams to come true.  I just want to be brave, and unapologetically live the life I believe will bring me closest to the best version of me I can be.  I want to raise my consciousness and lower my needs.  I want to live my best life and I want to figure out the best way to help my brothers and sisters on this planet do the same.

I guess this whole getting out in nature thing is really becoming a bigger soul mission for me than I realized.  There is an urgency at play, and because I am human, and I am not immune to the collective drama, maybe the events of last weekend did affect me more than I would want to admit.  Or maybe my next birthday is soon approaching, and yet another year will be notched in that great big tree of my life.  Whatever the reason for the urgency, I absolutely feel like I don't have time to screw around with this anymore.  Time to execute.

I had a great time today playing around and getting together some of my camping gear.  I put up one of my old tents to make sure it is still in good shape.  It's cozy.  A little 2-3 person, cute little thing that my son and I used when we went camping with his cub scout group.  It's actually in very good shape aside for a couple of pieces of disintegrated elastic on the rain cover.  I made it work.  I'm writing this blog post from inside this little tent.

I'm going to do some practice camping here at home the next few nights.  It's really hot in North Carolina and sitting in the air conditioning all day isn't going to make it any easier for me to spend all day for several days at the beach.  I generally like the heat and summer weather, and the beach has wind and water to help with cooling off, but I'm excited to give my tent a try in our own front yard the next few nights.  What I am trying to say again...I want to see what I'm really getting myself into.

Around 6 pm, the clouds came in and thunder boomed in the distance, a good reminder to order a rain poncho along with the camping shower, first aid supplies and Rubick's cube I have in my cart. I have many life goals that I want to be accomplishing on this journey.  Learning to solve the Rubick's cube puzzle is just one of them, but I have no idea where my old Rubick's cube is, so I am excited to order a new one.

Of course, on this journey, I have many, many books to read, a new one (also in my cart), The Vagabond's Way, by Rolf Potts, and Walden of course.  I say "Of course" because I have been fantasizing about running off to the woods and reading this book since at least 1995.  I remember working at Delcia Talent Agency in St. Louis and sitting at my desk, dreaming of a simple life, lived in the woods, I'm not sure how far from civilization, but I remember making a list of the fewest basic necessities that I would need to survive. 

 Strangely, the list kept getting longer and longer and longer.  It was just a symptom of my human condition, I suppose, even then.  And now, I just keep buying more and more stuff for my "simplified life".  Well, it's not perfect, and for once, it doesn't have to be.  Perfectly perfect is just alright with me.  And I am making use of plenty of what I already have.  Stuff that has been sitting around for many years, just waiting to be loved and used again.

Also, as part of my practice, and to have some fun, I'm going to take my new kayak out on our local lakes, Lake Higgins, Lake Brandt.  Heck, I might even take my kayak out on my pond, if I still want to.  Now that would be something sweet, a semi-longtime dream come true, but only if that dream happens to still be important to me, because you know, sometimes dreams change, and that's ok.  

I think it takes wisdom to know when to hold on to a dream and when to let a long-held dream go, without shame, without regret and without remorse.  Course correction is necessary sometimes.  It also takes wisdom to know when to go to bed.  That time is now.  It's past midnight after all.  That said...

Keep your vibration high.  Keep grounding.

The world needs us now.  Let's make sh!+ happen.  Let's make this $#it real!


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