I Should Be Sleeping

It's 11:11 pm as I start this post.  The dark mode on my phone has switched on.  This means I should be in or at least getting ready for bed. 

I'm being tested.  By the Universe.  Yes capital U.  I'm not sure why or what for, but this is definitely one of those times in my life when I know something is up.

This is a test.  A very important test.  My wit's are being tested.  My strength is being tested.  My courage is being tested.  My patience is being tested.

Interestingly enough, as I sit here in my car, listening to the rain, spattering against my windows, I wonder though, not just when I will be able to sleep, but how and where.  I'm going to have to get creative again.  I mean, I know I'm good at figuring stuff out and coming up with creative ways to use what I have to fix things but this is over the top!

If you haven't read my last post, you might want to take a minute to give it a quick look.  That was a very pretty picture that I painted with that story.  It was a time that I will always look back on and think, "how sweet."

I didn't go to the beach to meditate like I thought I might when I clicked "post".  I went inside my tent and shuffled some things around and got cozy. Setting up my sleeping bag for the night and making a little reading nook for me to snuggle up in and, well, read a little bit as a lovely little way to spend the rest of my lovely little day.  That didn't happen.

Instead, I heard a few little raindrops start to fall on the top of my tent.  I was feeling confident and glad that I had gotten that tarp put on the other day.  I thought I might be able to "weather" the storm in my cozy little tent.

Well, no.  I'm afraid of what I am going to find in there in the morning.  Things were looking bad in there while I was trying to get as much perishable stuff as I could into the car for safe keeping.

The rain was coming down so fast and hard and the winds were blowing the the tent to and fro so fiercely that I knew there would be no sleeping in there tonight.  The sleeping bag was already soaking as I hurried to grab my books and some clothes and a little bit of food for the morning.

My suitcase, full of clothes is still in there.  I'll have to stay in town an extra sunny day just to dry out all of my clothes before I head back.  Good thing I brought nylon rope that I can use to create a clothesline!

I was scurrying around in the rain, grabbing the stuff and getting it into the car and though I was soaked and stuff was getting a little bit wet during the transfer, I was happy to know that I would be able to cozy up in my car and sleep on the little bed that I had set up in the back of my Jeep Cherokee.  

There were two layers of foam and a quilt.  It was quite comfy in Asheville.  I was looking forward to getting a good night's sleep on that makeshift bed.  And I could do some reading too.

No.  When I finally got myself into the car, after all the stuff, I noticed that the quilt was wet.  At first I thought that the rain had just blown in during the transfer and the stuff I was moving over was definitely getting wet and bringing a little rain with it into the car.

I just thought, I could have made this a fortunately, unfortunately post but unfortunately I didn't think of that sooner so that's not going to happen.

Also unfortunately, when I finally got myself into the car, after all the stuff and noticed that the quilt was not just wet but SOAKING wet, I discovered that my sunroof was leaking through my overhead light and was steadily dripping water into my "bed".  Fortunately, it soaked up a lot of water so my actual car was not getting soaked.

Creative me, got out of the car and ran back into the tent, getting absolutely drenched in the process, but I grabbed a plastic bin, emptied it of all the contents into a larger tub that would be staying in the tent.

I brought the small tub into the car and I am presently using it to catch the water as it continues to drip out of my overhead light.  It's 12:12 now and it seems like the rain has stopped. I really do hope that it's the last of the thunderstorms and rain for tonight.

It was quite the adventure though, I must say.  And I didn't feel angry or really anything negative, per say.  I really just couldn't help laughing after all was said and done.  Like how absurd could things get?  It was definitely crazy, but it could have been SO much worse.

Thankfully I had staked the tent down with a couple of corkscrew stakes, like you use to tie out a dog.   It's possible that if I hadn't, that tent would have blown away.  It was that crazy.

I'm sitting in the driver's seat, writing right now, but I will probably move to the back to squeeze into what space is left to "lay" down in.  Fortunately I am only "5'4" so I can fit in smaller spaces. 

I'm definitely grateful to be safe and I am finally dried off after all of that.  My hair is still a little wet but not soaking anymore.

I'm finally getting a little bit tired, so hopefully I will be able to sleep.  I woke up at 3 o'clock last night and really didn't get much sleep after that.  Fortunately, I was up to see that beautiful sunrise though.

So, I am not sure what the Universe is trying to help me learn right now, except strength and confidence and courage.  It gives me a REAL picture of what car camping at National Parks all across America could look like.  I keep getting my eyes opened regarding this topic.  I definitely need to get my sunroof fixed, regardless.  I definitely would rather have a campervan than tent camping.

And of course breaking down in a campervan is no more fun than breaking down in a car.  A leaking van could get you as wet as a leaking car.  

I don't want to give up on my vision of doing solo van life for a year or two, but I have to wonder if maybe the Universe just has something better waiting for me than solo van life.  It's sure not making it easy for me to get this show on the road.

Time will tell, and I will keep listening to my heart and doing what I believe is the best thing for me and my soul.  I will go and do whatever it is that helps me grow, that which is for my highest and best good.

And I will do it with love and joy and a smile on my face and laughter in my heart.  I will do it with gratitude and doing soaking wet if I have to. And it will make me strong and fierce and courageous and better.  It will make me a better human being.  It will.

Looks like the coffee shop will be calling me to in the morning since my makeshift coffee brewing set up is in disarray. And I will be grateful and happy for whatever coffee I can get. Maybe I'll just get a latte.

And now I bid you good night, from wherever I find to lay my head to wherever yours is laying.  Sweet dreams.



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