Life Happens

Well it's 11:11 again.  Navigating one rainy day here.  When I left Greensboro, the forecast said this was supposed to be Wednesday's and Thursday's weather.  I guess I got lucky.

Today, according to accu-weather was supposed to be sunny and beautiful as well as Saturday and Sunday.  Well they got it wrong.  But I am glad I booked an extra day anyway.

The storm last night was crazy and I can't believe that my car is still leaking.  But I managed to find a way to get some rest.  I actually slept quite well.  I guess I was tired from bike riding, beach going and battling a downpour.

I lost the new book I bought yesterday so I couldn't read it before falling asleep, but I found it this morning and after my first cup of coffee and some further contemplation, I have a new plan for the day.

New plan:

+Get the latte... after 20 minutes of waiting in line 

+Forego kayaking and instead, finish my beach book... but at the coffee shop so I don't get washed away with the rain and the wind and the tide 

+Grab a salad somewhere... since my cozy campsite is in disarray 

+Pack up and head home... before dark, before the last ferry takes off and after getting packed up and after I figure out how to get my ratchet strap to work 

And just like that my soul searching solo trip to Ocracoke will be over, and I guess that will just have to be ok.  (Remember all of my past posts regarding anticipation and disappointment?) The camping will be over, but the laundry and the soul searching will go on.

I am grateful for the beautiful days that I did have on the front end, full of excitement and anticipation and even a good amount of sunshine.

I'm learning more about myself and stepping into my aunthenticy that's really my mission at this point, camping or no camping, kayaking or no kayaking and rain or shine.

I'm reminded to be grateful and striving to build resiliency, that mental muscle that will make or break a beautiful life.

I'm remembering all sorts of little aphorisms like, Life is the coffee, not the cup, Find joy in the journey, Patience is a virtue, and Life is what happens when you are making other plans...right?

Truth be told, I am nothing if not flexible.  Thank you, Life, for reminding me of this.  Thank you for this opportunity to grow.  Thank you for reminding me, it's (only partly) up to me where I go.  Let's work more closely together from here on out....ok?  

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

11:44 coming in on the clock!


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