The Comic

This post has been on my heart since June 12.  Alas, sometimes life gets in the way.  

What did I want to say?

Again, sometimes less is more.  Word.

I had pulled some cards from the Wild Unknown Archetype deck to gain some understanding.  Who are you?  The Comic.  I felt it was important to share.

The comic carries a remedy for all that ails this world.  Amid the deepest pain and suffering there is always the potential to lift up and out of the darkness through laughter.  Though dismissed by some as low-brow or unsophisticated, this archetype actually has a highly advanced mind (some may use the word "genius"), as humor requires one to "see" the situation from afar rather than be swept away by the drama.  The comic sees and accepts the messiness of life, using it as material to be mixed and shaped into a potion that soothes the stressed and serious mind.  They literally lighten us up.  Thus, within the comic is usually the sage or the magician, working healing magic upon any audience who will lend an ear.  The comic may be the archetype that heals the deep division in our pun at a time.

WHEN LIGHT: hilarious, ingenious, spirited, easygoing

WHEN DARK: sarcastic, harsh, brooding, drunk


I just have to ask, does any of this resonate?  Does any of this make sense?  Am I just a clown too?  Standing on my head, trying to garner some response from the crowd?  Does anyone laugh?  Does anyone hear me?  Does anyone care?  Sometimes I just feel invisible.  Hmm.  Am I just the fool?

Here's a song.  It makes sense in my heart today for some reason.  Does it make sense to anyone else?  Who knows.  Listen for yourself and decide.

So, does this go together or not?  Sometimes I'm too curious for my own good.  Sometimes I can make believe that the strangest things actually make sense.  I am super creative that way...perhaps to my detriment, I fear.  I'm so confused.

It's weeks later from the first card pull but now I am curious, again, I have to ask, who am I?

The card I pulled...Apocolypsis.

What it means: Removing the veil of deception.  Apocolypsis indicates a particularly painful time, one that unfolds when two disparate dynamics occur simultaneously, pulling the psyche in seemingly opposite directions.  The first is a lifting of the veil.  This means truths that have been kept in the dark are revealed, seen and unearthed.  No matter how relieving it is to witness them come into light, an element of despair and grief follows.  The second dynamic is the regeneration that comes from the wreckage of the revealed truth.  The old narrative breaks, and a new story forms.  Apocolypsis energy is similar to a forest fire's devastation for the sake of regeneration.  The veil lifts and we see who and what has been hiding.  From the nakedness of the truth a child is born.  Have faith in the process, hold on to your center...that is the only way.

Uh...yes, this resonates.  It feels like my story.  It feels like I'm in the middle of setting a fire.  My soul being pulled in opposite directions.  That's where I live right now.  Am I going to live or am I going to be burned alive?  TBD.

Then a card flew out.  I had to include it.  The card that flew out: The Maiden.

What it means:  The maiden, epitome of innocent arousal, naive sensuality, and precarious purity.  She is compelling (and addictive) because of her flawless and youthful glow.  She's the first archetype in the trifecta maiden-mother-crone, and rightfully so...because she has so much to learn.  The maiden is perfectly positioned for trouble to come her way and subject her to a challenge that leads to the next phase of womanhood.  She must grow up, yet hesitates at the threshold, enamored by the charms of youth.  The maiden represents the side of us that is riveted and curious, drawn to shadowy forests, dark knights, and taking just one taste of poisonous fruit.  Her magic is edgy and includes both shame and delight.  Let yourself fall down the rabbit hole, young one.


Do you long to be "rescued" by another?  Or receive a kiss that brings you back to life?  Be wary of waiting for a prince.  Break the spell of your own life.


I'm trying so hard to break that spell.  It's time to grow up.  I'm going to live.  Life is funny that way.


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