Everything Is Coming Up Rainbows

Take ten.  Scratch that.  Probably take 29.  That's total hyperbole.  It's probably only take 7 or 8 but it definitely isn't my first go at it.  I just don't know how to get started with this post.  It's not about Kansas or Dorothy or anything, although she did show up in one of yesterday's episodes of Once Upon a Time.  It's just about wanting to love myself more and talk to myself better and encourage others, encourage you, to do the same.  That's all. 

I was inspired by a guest speaker that spoke to us during my online art course this week.  Her love affair with creativity is one to be much desired, I desire my own version of it anyway, and there are a bunch of thoughts and feelings that listening to her brought up within me that I want to convey through this post, but I'm finding myself at a real loss for the right words, right now.  I am finding myself in a kind of void again, and my gosh, I can't believe it's June!

After my last post, and after listening to guest speaker Carrie, I was left wondering...  Why do we keep fighting with ourselves and belittling our efforts?  Why do I?  Why do we push the goodness within us away?  Why can't we love ourselves for who we are? Why can't we just embrace our rainbows?

What I am realizing is that the self-deprecating, anti-self-love, anti-creativity programming is deep, and that shit sticks.  I swim in it every time I go back to my hometown, but rather than letting it pull me under, I am facing the subtle truths with courage and allowing them to give me wings.  I am accepting all that I have come from and all that is around me still with gratitude, because all of it has served to help me grow and get to the place that I am today.  I can't say that I wouldn't change a thing, but I can say that I really don't need to.  I can paint my world whatever color I want, regardless of what's in my proverbial bucket, but am I?  Will I?  

I believe I can.  I believe we can.   I believe we can color our world with rainbows.  You know, metaphorically speaking, like bringing sunshine to everything we do.  We can love ourselves.  We can love our art.  We can love our creativity.  Unapologetically. 

We can paint with a very broad brush, a big brush.  We are the manufacturer of our own colors, our moods and thoughts and energies.  We can paint our rainbows any color we damn well please.  We can paint them upside down or inside out.  We can paint them in the sky or in the sea.

We can paint them smaller and quieter if we want.  We can paint them simpler and more plain.  We can paint them purple or blue or black, there are no rules when it comes to painting rainbows.  The only thing that matters is that we paint.  

What matters is that we paint with truth and lovingly commend our work when we are done.   And if a piece is left unfinished, without judgement, we gently allow ourselves to pause.  With grace and gratitude and as much time as is needed, we allow ourselves the space to simply be, and know with complete certainty that the unfinished rainbow in the closet will be finished in its own divine time.

On difficult days we will remind ourselves that painting rainbows is not for the faint of heart, and when it feels too much like work, we will lovingly remind ourselves to play.  It's only life after all.

We, in this game of life, are born from a spark of the universal flame.  We are born and blessed with sacred creative centers within our bodies.  We are born to create.  We are born to paint rainbows.  

Painting rainbows is a journey, not a destination.  Creativity is the process, not the product.  Trusting in the Creative process of Painting rainbows is about living in right relationship with our creativity.  When we are out of alignment with our creativity, everything suffers.  I am proof.   

Yes, it takes work and effort and surrender.  It takes intention.  It takes what I call, for a lack of a better term, faith.  It takes trust.  And for all of my struggles and all of the challenges that I have been tromping through, I am finally beginning to understand how and why this is so.   Like the pink bunny with the everlasting battery, that spark inside me just keeps going and going.

Painting rainbows begs for us to fall in love...with creativity itself.  Painting rainbows brings peace to our souls and to those around us. Painting rainbows feeds our soul.

I feel like this is the worst blog post I have ever written, but maybe that's just me and my tendency toward self-deprecation.  Time to embrace my rainbow!  Isn't it a pretty thing.  Hug myself.  Love my self and paint a rainbow on my soul.  I am in acceptance.  I am in love.  I am in creativity.  

In summary.  Love yourself.  Love others, and Sunshine, go paint some rainbows any damn color you please.



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