At the Heart of It All

"It was the very thing that had me conclude that when it comes to matters of the heart, you can never be quite sure whether you are being courageous or crazy and therefore, you must be willing to be both at any time."  - Alex Di Ciantis, The Art of Unbecoming: An Unexpected Journey from Brokenness to Healing

I have been wanting to write a post about the Heart Chakra for several months, but just couldn't find my way to getting it done.  I'm still not going to write that post (about the Heart Chakra) today, but I am going to write about the heart.  

Heart disease runs in my family.  It runs deep.  As long as it has existed, someone in my family has suffered from it in some way.  Bypasses, triple bypasses, quadruple bypasses, blocked arteries, you name it.  Grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles. Issues of the heart run rampant in my family.  Why?  Genetics?  Maybe.  Toxic emotions?  Absolutely.   

Not that my family ever ran around acting angry all the time.  Quite the contrary.  My family was nice.  They were always worried about what other people thought of them.  They never wanted to do anything shameful that would cause others to look down on them.  Secretly, even unbeknownst to them probably, they went around judging everyone else all the time.  And underneath it all, I think they hated themselves even more.  My father especially.  I have the utmost compassion for him.  He lives a life of self-deprecation, even to this day.  I know where I get my tendency to judge myself so harshly.  It's a toxic pattern that has to go.  I'm working on it.

My father has suffered two heart attacks, the first when he was only 50, the second about 10 years later at which time he underwent a 5-way bypass.  My grandfather had 5-way bypass surgery back in the 1990's.  My great grandfather died of a heart attack while crossing the street in my little hometown back in the day.  He was only in his 50's.  I am determined to live differently and believe differently so I can be differently, if I can.  And I can.  I am.

It's a daily decision for me to choose love over fear and move in a direction that is for my highest and best good.  Some weeks are better than others.  Still every day is a new day.  

For the past two months, I have been working on a project that warms my heart and scares the shit out of me at the same time.  My website, and online platform.  (Here is a link: Ronda Szymanski Art) I will not deprecate myself here, although there is a whole lot of fake it 'til you make it going on, I must admit.  But that's ok.  The fact that it is going on and I am going through is the most important thing and besides, you absolutely have to start somewhere, so here I am.  Hello.

That said, I would also like to share a heartfelt episode of As You Wish, with James G.  RELOADED AYW` HEALING TROUGH THE HEART (  It is a good episode, focusing on heart centered living.  His guest Gail, presents a lot of wisdom surrounding heart health and the importance of energetic alignment and healing of this most sacred organ.  Please watch if you can.  I hope you find it meaningful.

I suppose that indirectly, this was a post about the heart chakra, but also more.  The heart chakra is the center of your body's energy universe.  It sit's over your physical heart and regulates energy flow in the same way your physical heart regulates blood flow.  Here sits heartache as well as deepest affection.  

"When your heart chakra is well aligned, you are able to easily and openly love others as you love yourself.  When it is blocked, you feel despair, lack of hope or optimism.  In the realm of love, there are many extremes, from the opposite of love (hate) to the deepest form of love (salvation).  Love is the only force in the universe that can actually save you, for it can raise the level of your consciousness to a more elevated state beyond the three-dimensional experience of time and space.  Love can also heal the physical body in spontaneous and miraculous ways, since its vibration affects the cells in your body.  Indeed, love is the closest one can come to real magic.  Love is magic." - Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.

I am blessed and excited to bring my website and my opportunity to love to the world.  It is my hope in, and I am optimistic about the power of creativity to heal and bring joy to people's lives.  Something tells me that I'm into something good, and if this is beautiful in the eyes of the Universe, nothing can stop it.

And as for me, I show up faithfully, heart centered, putting in the work and the time, living in a place of love, radiating the energy of that love as far and wide as it can go.  And regardless of if the world sees me as courageous or crazy, I show up loving myself, living my truth and knowing that the highest love, true love, universal love lies at the heart of it all.  


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